How to check if gamertag is available to register ? Xbox

I am addicted to Xbox & I was looking for a good Gamertag checker to check if a name is available to register on Xbox. This article is about these checkers which allows you to easily find a great name to make gaming even more fun!


Follow the Steps below to check Gamertag availability –


  1. Visit
  2. Search for any word that you want to use as your Gamertag
  3. Click Check Gamertag button
  4. Wait for the site to connect to the Xbox server
  5. The site will tell you if the word you suggested is available to register or not
  6. All done! Go ahead and register it!


What this tool basically does is search for the tag you enter on Xbox server, if it finds a profile with a similar name it simply says gamertag not available. If it does not find any Xbox profile with that name, it says the name is available to register

If you are wondering that what’s the price for using this tool, don’t worry! This tool is absolutely free to use without any time limit or query limit.

Please note: This app is in no way affiliated to Xbox, due to this the results of this tool might be inaccurate.

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